Mysterious Mail

HOOT has chronicled its love of receiving random mail-based mysteries before (like here and here). And that hasn’t changed. Not so long ago (well, a bit of awhile ago – blame this editor for the delay) we got a new mail mystery. It seems to be from postcard enthusiasts that tell entire tales, in several parts, on the back of postcards.

Postcard projects, both alike in dignity!

We were very happy to follow this four part story sent to us. So thank you mystery mail. We enjoyed you! Postcard on!

Below are the pictures of the front of the postcard followed by the story on the back.

 And when you’re done reading those, don’t forget to check out new issues of HOOT too!

Don’t let this happen to another cat. Share poetry the responsible way

As an editor of HOOT and a lover of poetry, I get a little carried away with wanting to share poetry during National Poetry Month. Therefore I strive to find innovative ways to get the word out on the excellence of poetics. So, I thought a great way to share the words might involve drawing them on my cat and setting her free on the streets of Philadelphia as a goodwill poetry ambassador.

For Easy Mac, April truly is the cruellest month

This is what one would categorically consider a bad idea.

HOOT put our collective brains together and decided that a better way to share poetry would be through a fundraiser to get poems to random people – some of which might not have been poetry readers prior. Since we’re a 501(c)3 now we thought we’d celebrate with sharing wonderful words. (check out how to donate here).

My answer to this poetry fundraiser is to not just send out one great copy of HOOT’s talented archive of poets, but also to write a poem from a different favorite poet on the back. So, I chose thirty poets – one for every day in April. Check out the list here (I put Edna St. Vincent Millay on twice because she’s my favorite):

Willy Shakes otherwise known as William Shakespeare

Think I missed someone? Want to add a person? Well, just donate to the above and email me at and I’ll make sure that your favorite poet will be represented.
So save cats, share poetry with postcards instead.

The many ways to enjoy HOOT

We might be biased, but we think that our subscribers are among the best and most talented people in the world. Universe. Forever.

And even though that’s our opinion, we now have proof that we have the most creative and interesting subscribers. Ever.

Britt Gambino, who works and teaches at Gotham Writers Workshop in New York City, was kind enough to share her HOOT collage.

What an awesome way to showcase your past issues – nicely done, Britt.

For more of her stuff check out this 

And if you have innovative ways that you share literature, be sure to contact us about it. We’re sure you do, because our subscribers are the finest. Of all time. Infinitude.

We came, we saw, we stamped owls on you

Whoa, Seattle, you ruled. We’ve returned from the land of writers and journals a little weathered, a little tired, and a lot grateful. Thanks to everyone that stopped by to play our dice game of DOOM, and to everyone that subscribed.

Were you one of the lucky recipients of good publishing karma from our Publishing Penguin?

The blue glow of good luck in publishing

Or did you feel the painful sting of our DOOM after rolling the gigantic die?

Whatever the case may be, we’re glad you said “hi” and checked out our postcard magazine.

And since we only get to interact with our favorite journals during AWP we wanted to send out feelings of hearts and flowers to our literary journal crushes: Smartish Pace, Potomac Review, Stoneside Corrective, Makeout Creek, and Lunch Ticket.

Can’t wait till next year, and a hearty “hello” to all our new friends.


HOOT is going on the road!

Hi all!

We’ll be traveling all the way from chilly Philadelphia to the great West. As of Wednesday the city of Seattle will be hosting AWP  and HOOT will be among those hawking their wares. If you’re going to be there, stop by and see us! You can roll a giant die (you’d have to see it to believe it), chat with us, and see our miniature magazine.

Can’t wait to see you all!