by Vivian Wagner
art by author 


Vivian Wagner lives in New Concord, Ohio, where she’s an associate professor of English at Muskingum University. Her work has appeared in Slice Magazine, Muse/A Journal, Forage Poetry Journal, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Gone Lawn, The Atlantic, Narratively, The Ilanot Review, Silk Road Review, Zone 3, Bending Genres, and other publications. She’s the author of a memoir, Fiddle: One Woman, Four Strings, and 8,000 Miles of Music (Citadel-Kensington); a full-length poetry collection, Raising (Clare Songbirds Publishing House); and three poetry chapbooks: The Village (Aldrich Press-Kelsay Books), Making (Origami Poems Project), and Curiosities (Unsolicited Press).

One Response to “HOOT POSTCARD 96, SEPTEMBER 2019”
  1. Andrew says:

    I love thinking about how the midwest sometimes gets the dregs of these massive ocean storms. I loved this poem! Thank you – it felt perfect reading it today, outside a nor’easter is breaking up, and the rain from yesterday is drying, not from the sun, but from the wind.