HOOT Online, Issue 30, April 2014– Micro Fiction, Poetry, Memoir, Book Reviews



HOME, 1973
by Kimberly Knutsen
Home 1973 (2)

The Jesus and Mary monkey frizzles in the kitchen
as the snow moon melts.

And you—rabbit of death
—sit in your green chair

Rocking away the fruit
of bad deeds.





by Simeon Berry

Photograph by Lane Greene
from Monograph (N. Confesses) 5-19-14

N. confesses to me that she watched G.I. Joe as a kid, and that she
wanted to be Scarlett. (I myself loved the mute, scarred Snake
Eyes.) I am dumbfounded. Even to a ten-year-old, the show felt
unbelievably hokey. No one ever got killed, and their M-16’s fired
dotted lines of lasers, despite the fact that they were clearly
wearing belts of ammunition. At first I marvel over the irony. I’m a
pacifist who’s never been in a fight. She’s a reformed radical
lesbian. Yet we like the same campy military cartoon. Then I get
really sad. This is what you fall in love over.






by John Sibley Williams

I cannot sing the water
rusting this half-empty mouth
back up into their clouds
and drink from the damaged sky
the heavy silence
of my voice?

        —for Faranak Farid







Kimberly Knutsen is an English professor on sabbatical, which is a heavenly state of existence.  She is also the author of two novels, The Lost Journals of Sylvia Plath and Violet.

Simeon Berry lives in Somerville, Massachusetts. In 2013, his manuscript, Ampersand Revisited, was selected by Ariana Reines for The National Poetry Series, and is forthcoming from Fence Books. He can be found online at http://simeonberry.com/

John Sibley Williams is the author of eight poetry collections, most recently Controlled Hallucinations (FutureCycle Press, 2013). John serves as editor of The Inflectionist Review. He lives in Portland, Oregon.
One Response to “HOOT Online, Issue 30, April 2014– Micro Fiction, Poetry, Memoir, Book Reviews”
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  1. […] In closing, here is a fitting poem sent to me by one of my aforementioned female writer friends, Bridgett, because April (when this review was written) is National Poetry Month.  It’s called “Dilemma,” by David Budbill.  After that, go to hootreview.com to read and listen to my partner, Kimberly Knutsen’s poem, “Home, 1973.” […]

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