Confess your writely sins

If any of you dropped by to see us at AWP this year (hey Minneapolis!) you might have noticed that we added a new part of our infamous dice game.

dice game

did you have to face your owl-y DOOM?

And that’s the opportunity to unburden yourself from your writerly sins. Every writer that had something to get off their chest (like using too many idioms, perhaps) was able to scribble down their transgression and once the note pierced the flesh of the poster board they were finally free.

And because your responses tickled us so much, we decided to keep the confessed writerly sins to start a new segment on our blog (and Twitter and Facebook). Periodically we’ll be updating our social media with some of our favorite responses, like these three hilarious winners right here:
photo 1 (1)
photo 2
photo 3

But we don’t just want to share the AWP 2015 writer sins (though they’re all pretty fantastic); we want to hear your writerly sins as well. Tell us what you’re guilty of. It’ll be liberating for you, entertaining for most, and encouraging to other writers to know that we’re all a little guilty of some writerly mortification from time to time.



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